Our courses are delivered by recognised experts in forensic examination, trauma and aftercare, sexual health, policing and criminal law. We use case studies and interactive sessions to encourage participants to share the benefits of their experience and to learn from each other. Group discounts are available.
Following recommendations by the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine (FFLM), we are amending the format of our courses.
For more information about the courses, or to discuss bespoke training for you and your organisation, please email kch-tr.havenseducation@nhs.net. To attend any of the courses, please download and complete The Havens education course booking form (pdf) and:
If you would like us to keep you up to date with developments connected to sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) and forensic examination, join our mailing list by emailing kch-tr.havenseducation@nhs.net
The Havens Introductory Training Course in Sexual Offence Medicine
Please ensure you have read the information regarding the course before booking, as the length of some courses may be determined by your job role.
We are running this course in person in London (FME session only will be held via MS Teams), with additional Courtroom Confidence training (included in delegate fees).
Tuesday 12 November 2024
Paediatric Complex Cases in Child Sexual Abuse