We produce a range of training materials, from educational resource packs and printed informational literature to videos.
The Sexual and Domestic Violence Resource Pack is designed to equip trainers with the information and resources for a one-hour interactive teaching session for Foundation doctors, to meet the requirements of the 2014 curriculum. This resource pack, which focuses on adults, was produced by the Havens with South Thames Foundation School (STFS).
In collaboration with S.I.G.N.A.L.e.V. in Berlin (Germany), the University Clinic for Medical Psychology, Psychotraumatoloty and Trauma Therapy department in Innsbruck (Austria) and Gerencia Regional de Salud, SACYL, in Valladolid (Spain), the Havens have produced a training toolkit to improve the transfer of learning into practice.
The toolkit – Improving transfer of learning into practice from training courses on violence against women (pdf) – can be used as a guide for trainers, organisations and participants before, during and after attending training on the subject. You are free to use the toolkit as you see fit but please acknowledge the source should you wish to use any of the materials.
Where’s your line? is aimed at teachers and youth workers who want to educate young people about sexual violence. The video shows the events leading up to an assault, and the assault itself. It encourages viewers to discuss what happens, and say where they would ‘draw the line’ and go no further.