The police will help anyone who comes to them who has been raped or sexually assaulted. They take all reports of rape and sexual assault very seriously.

  • To report the rape or sexual assault, dial 101
  • If you are in immediate danger, dial 999

If you are not sure, you can talk to the Havens first. We can advise you and arrange for you to have an informal chat with the police if that will help. You won’t have to tell them your name and it won’t mean you have to make a formal report. It’s totally up to you.

What happens if I make a report?

If you call the police first to report what has happened, they will arrange the Haven appointment for you and a specially trained police officer – a Sexual Offences Investigative Trained (SOIT) officer – will come with you to the centre.

The SOIT officer will support you throughout. They will also look after the forensic samples which will provide evidence for their investigations.

They can help you with any questions or concerns you have about police procedure or going to court. You can also talk to us at the Havens.

It is important to remember that everything you are asked to do, from when you first meet your SOIT officer and the specialist Havens sexual offences examiner and crisis worker, is done with your agreement. If you don’t want to do it, just say so.