There are lots of other organisations you can contact for advice and support if you’ve been sexually assaulted or raped, whether it happened recently, or many months or even years ago. They’re also there for your family and friends.
We’ve listed these organisations by your needs.
They can help you with practical things such as finding somewhere to live in an emergency; escaping from domestic violence; finding local support groups and counselling services; understanding what happens in court; and getting criminal compensation.
Children and young people can contact ChildLine about anything. No problem is too big or too small. Whatever your worry it’s better out than in.
Tel: 0800 1111 (24 hours)
Women experiencing domestic violence – as well as their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf – can contact this nationwide helpline 24/7 for help and advice.
Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)
Advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
Tel: 0808 801 0327
The hub for sexual violence support services in London.
Helpline: 0808 801 0860
Support and services for women and girls, and information about support agencies for men.
Helpline: 0808 802 9999
Information, support and counselling for men and boys who have been raped or sexually abused.
Counselling and support to help women and girls recover from violence.
Sexual violence helpline: 0808 801 0770
Advice, support and advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* (LGBT) people.
Helpline: 020 7704 2040
Helps children and adults with learning disabilities who have experienced abuse or trauma, as well as those who have abused others, through psychotherapy, advocacy, and other support.
Tel: 0808 808 0700
Talk to the Samaritans any time you like, in your own way, and off the record, about whatever’s getting to you.
Helpline: 116 123 (24 hours)
Free and confidential support to help you deal with your experience, whether or not you report the crime. Also supports witnesses of crime.
Supportline: 08 08 16 89 111
A resource hub to help you to find a qualified and insured counsellor. The website features advice and guidance from counsellors, including a supportive information section on sexual assault.
Explains what the CPS does and what happens, from reporting a crime to passing sentence.
CPS London: 020 3357 7000
Free confidential legal advice for women in London and their advisers.
Advice line: 020 7608 1137
Support and advice for parents about young people under the age of 35 and suicide.
HOPELineUK: 0800 068 41 41
Advice for parents concerned about their child’s emotional and mental health.
Helpline: 0808 802 5544
Details of counsellors and therapists working in London and elsewhere in the UK.
A range of support services and information for families affected by child sexual abuse.
Helpline: 0800 980 1958
24 -hour child protection helpline with information and advice for anyone worried about a child’s physical and emotional safety.
Helpline: 0808 800 5000
Details of counsellors and therapists working in London and elsewhere in the UK.