If we think it is the right thing to do, we will ask you if you want a forensic medical examination. This is a special check-up to collect evidence which may help with the investigation of the assault.

But it is your choice whether or not you have one. You can also agree to do some parts of the examination but not others. You can stop it at any time.

It is best to have one as soon as possible after an assault as there is a better chance of finding evidence that can identify the person who did it.

So, although it may be the last thing you may feel like doing, it’s best to get it done straightaway.

What happens when I arrive?

You will meet a crisis worker and a sexual offence examiner (specially trained doctor or nurse).

The crisis worker will guide you through what happens at the Havens. They will take down your personal details and talk to you about your options.

The sexual offence examiner will carry out a forensic medical examination if you decide to have one. They will also offer you any treatment you may need, such as basic first aid and emergency contraception. They may discuss other treatment such as vaccinations or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to reduce the risk of HIV infection.

They will discuss follow-up care such as testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They cannot do these tests at the same time as the forensic medical examination because it is usually too early for an infection to show up.

You can also talk about having counselling. This will help you to cope with and understand how you’re feeling after the assault and get through the following weeks and months.

What does it involve?

You have the medical examination in a private room with your sexual offence examiner. Your crisis worker will also stay with you and explain everything that’s happening. You can have a friend or a family member with you as well, if you prefer, and an interpreter if you need one.

Your sexual offence examiner will check you from top to toe, and document any injuries they find. They may also examine your genital area (private parts).

They may take forensic samples, using cotton wool swabs, from your skin and from the areas involved in the assault, such as your vagina, anus or mouth. The police may send these samples to be tested for DNA or other evidence. The sexual offence examiner may also ask you to give samples of your blood and urine.

The clothes that you were wearing when you were assaulted may need to be kept as evidence and sent to the police laboratory for examination.

How long will I be at the Haven?

Your appointment at the Haven may last for two to three hours. Most of this time is talking and listening to you, to ensure we give you the help you need. The forensic medical examination itself is only a short amount of this time.

During the examination, the sexual offence examiner also needs to be very careful that they don’t miss anything and to make a note of everything they find.

You can take the examination at your own pace and ask them to stop at any time.

What happens next?

The sexual offence examiner will explain their findings to you and you can ask them any questions you have, including what will happen with your forensic samples.

You can use our private bathroom facilities if you’d like a shower and freshen up. We can also give you new clothes if your own have been taken for evidence.