We’re here to help you if you’ve been raped or sexually assaulted in the past 12 months.
You can call us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for an initial assessment.
We offer an appointment based service for forensic medical examinations. If you have been sexually assaulted in the last seven days and would like advice about forensic examination or about reporting to the police please call us on 020 3299 6900. Please do not walk in to our service as we will be unable to see you.
If you would like advice about support following sexual assault that took place over seven days ago please call us on 020 3299 1599. You can also go to our Follow-up care page.
Our medical and emotional support services are confidential. That means we won’t tell anyone you’ve contacted us or come to see us unless you want us to. And you can use any of our services without involving the police, unless you are under 13.
If you were assaulted more than 12 months ago, we can provide you with information on other organisations that can help.
Please be aware we do not offer routine sexual health screening, if you would like to arrange this you can find your nearest clinic here.
Our leaflet provides further information about our services. We also have an easy read version of the leaflet.
Our self-help guide provides information about common psychological and emotional reactions to sexual assault that you might find useful.
The video below provides information about receiving support through a sexual assault referral centre like The Havens.